# of watchers: 13
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| D20: 2 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
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Number of voters: 5
a) [Mirime]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
b) [Neon Pegasus]
Number of votes: 3 (60%) Voters: [Ga_Inja], [Lifebringer], [Mirime]
c) [Lifebringer]
Number of votes: 2 (40%) Voters: [Cassandrart], [Neon Pegasus]
d) [Kethianna]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
e) [Spartan 087]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
f) [inkheart]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
g) [Leara]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
h) [nokaredes]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
2005-11-28 [Lifebringer]: I can't enter you already put ninja soso pic up :p Grrr
2005-11-28 [Cassandrart]: Meh.. I took that picture :p
2005-11-30 [Cassandrart]: Welcome [Mirime]! I love your cat he looks so fluffy! ^_^ And his pose is priceless :p
2005-11-30 [Hedda]: Nice ass, Bink! ;-)
2005-12-01 [Akayume]: lol! the two kitties here are s cute!
2005-12-01 [Hedda]: Not as cute as Lilo, but Lilo is never mad... Not so that I can take a picture of her, anyway.
2005-12-02 [Akayume]: ^^ I guess I could put up a pic of bob being stupid....he acted stupidly mad all the time>< ((Lookie here! *V*))
2005-12-02 [Mirime]: Heeey, no admiring my cat's ass! He's neutered anyway, Hedda ;)
2005-12-03 [Neon Pegasus]: Ha! managed to get a picture here. Life is hard without my laptop:< [Mirime] Your cat is soo funny!!
2005-12-03 [Cassandrart]: Haha Patty I wished you'd enter this picture ^_^damn I like it so much ^_^
2005-12-03 [Lifebringer]: Sorry I couldn't resist taking it and as I don't know how you upload pics here I took advantage of your already uploaded pic :p After all Soso's mine ;p
2005-12-03 [Cassandrart]: Meh alright. I will let you this time because she's yours :p You can see Switters in the pic though :p
2005-12-05 [Cassandrart]: LOL [Ga_Inja]!
2005-12-08 [Ga_Inja]: Hehe, I think it runs in the family, I mean, both me and my Boyfriend are kinnda er.. Wierd... hehe
2005-12-08 [Cassandrart]: same here :p
2005-12-10 [cat eyed farie]: whoa!! scary cat!! [Kethianna]
2005-12-10 [cat eyed farie]: damn...i can't get it to go any smaller!!! *ARGH!!!*
2005-12-10 [Cassandrart]: [cat eyed farie] I'm sorry but yours doesn't fit the contest :( I want pictures of cats doing weird stuff :( [Kethianna] yours seems like she's gonna attack me *steps backwards*
2005-12-11 [Kethianna]: I think that was actually her sneezing XD but it was so long ago I cant remember... and she has certainly attacked my hand many times! I have scars to prove it :P
2005-12-11 [Kethianna]: she's normally extremely cute and innocent looking :P
2005-12-11 [Neon Pegasus]: [Ga_Inja] I'd be really really worried if that was my cat!
2005-12-12 [Cassandrart]: Keep them entries coming people ^_^ [Kethianna] pity you never entered toughest Cat Contest :p
2005-12-13 [Hedda]: Scary Tiger! ;-)
2005-12-13 [mufasa]: How do we vote?
2005-12-13 [Hedda]: There will be polls when [Cassandrart] has fixed them. You'll see!
2005-12-13 [Noxme]: i doubled over laughing and i'm still wipping tears from my eyes
2005-12-14 [Cassandrart]: Thanks [Hedda] ;) This contest isn't over people! The deadline is 10 entries! I need entries!
2005-12-14 [Kethianna]: I havent signed on in a while... I probably would have entered if I had known about it :P
2005-12-14 [Kethianna]: I would have used that photo, and I have another I would have used for this contest... ah well... too late now!
2005-12-14 [Cassandrart]: Why is it too late? We still need 5 more entries for it to finish o.o
2005-12-16 [Kethianna]: Who said it was too late for this contest?
2005-12-16 [Ga_Inja]: [Neon Pegasus] I am.. I am... I don´t wanna have spongecat squarecats...! I have tryed to hide it from him but he doesn´t want it to rest!
2005-12-18 [Akayume]: *eye twitches* sponge raping...what a terrible crime.
2005-12-19 [Cassandrart]: I love the cat in the bag! Soso used to do this all the time ^_^
2005-12-24 [Ga_Inja]: Yup it is! We tryed to hide it, but he finds it everywhere!
2005-12-29 [Cassandrart]: [inkheart] thanks for entering but your cat isn't really doing something weird...
2006-01-02 [Kileaiya]: I wish I had a picture of my cat sitting on top of the kitchen door. :D
2006-01-05 [Cassandrart]: Whoa! Try and get one xD
2006-01-11 [Cassandrart]: Lol great one [Leara] thanks for entering!
2006-01-11 [Leara]: Dad hooked up our harddrive from home, so many things I forgot I had. Like that pic. XD There was a HUGE german sheppard in front of her, like up to my belly button on all fours, taller than me standing up. >.>
2006-01-13 [Cassandrart]: Hehe that explains it then! :D Poor Hades
2006-01-14 [Leara]: The dog let her get like....mere inches from him before jolting foreward at her. Never seen her move so fast in my life.
2006-01-21 [Cassandrart]: Welcome [nokaredes]!
2006-01-23 [nokaredes]: Thanks :D
2006-02-08 [Cassandrart]: What do you think people, should I close this now or should we wait for the tenth entry?
2006-02-11 [Mirime]: doesn't matter to me ^_^
2006-02-11 [Cassandrart]: All right. So If this doesn't get a 10nth entry till the 15th of February I'm closing it :)
2006-02-16 [Ga_Inja]: hehe
2006-02-17 [Cassandrart]: Loved it from day one! ^_^
2006-02-19 [Cassandrart]: Vote at strangest cat expression too :p please!
2006-02-21 [Cassandrart]: Only Two votes.. Not counting mine... :(
2006-02-21 [Ga_Inja]: Loved what since day one? My too horny cat? hehehe
2006-02-23 [Cassandrart]: The photograph :p
2006-02-23 [Cassandrart]: [Mirime] You can't vote for yourself. It says so on the rules... mad cat contest
2006-02-24 [Ga_Inja]: Hehe, thanks! ^_^
2006-02-26 [Cassandrart]: Heheh indeed dear Hedda
2006-03-03 [Cassandrart]: I'll keep this open till the tie breaks. Or if you have no problem they'll both be winners.
2006-03-07 [Cassandrart]: Contest closed! Congratulation
2006-03-07 [Neon Pegasus]: We won? Duuude... it seems I have a cat that won the toughest cat AND the mad cat competition. That just doesn't sound nice... hehehehehe
2006-03-09 [Cassandrart]: xD Just rememberedthat heheheh
Number of comments: 62 | Show these comments on your site |